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Apartments in Sorrento and on the Amalfi Coast

You are here: home page » SARDINIA » Property listing » Property prices of Paduledda Apartments
Paduledda Apartments Property prices

Terms and conditions

WEEKLY RATES: "Appartamenti Paduledda" for 4 people

Seasons - 2012 PeriodsTariffs
LOW SEASON3/03/2012 - 26/05/2012
€ 88,00
MIDDLE SEASON7/07/2012 - 28/07/2012
€ 430,00
HIGH SEASON4/08/2012 - 11/08/2012
€ 850,00
Weekly utilities for 4 people € 140,00

  Bond (deposited on arrival an returned on departure) € 100,00

Terms and Conditions


Check in

From 17.00     till 20.00

puntoCheck outtill 10.00

puntoCancellation Policy

Cancellations prior to days: 30 of your arrival, you will be returned the total sum you paid, except for the bank transfer expenses

(given back to Your departure)
The bond to be paid on Your arrival: € 100


puntoCredit cards accepted at check inCredit card payments are not accepted at the check-in