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Apartments in Sorrento and on the Amalfi Coast

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MyBestGuest apartment - Palermo (Palermo) - Italy

Living room and Dining area

Living room and Dining area

Double room

Double room

Living area

Living area

Other bedroom

Other bedroom

Dining area and balcony

Dining area and balcony

Massimo teatre

Massimo teatre

Montepellegrino and Mondello Beach

Montepellegrino and Mondello Beach

Beds: 8


The apartment is located in a prestigious residential complex, right in the ciy centre, just a short walk from the central Via Libertà and Piazza Croci and also very close to the theaters Politeama and Massimo.


The elegant and cozy 150 square meter apartment is on the 3rd Floor of a modern residential building and consists of:
- 1 large lounge
- 1 living room/kitchen
- 3 double rooms
- 2 large bathrooms and comfortable
- 1 balcony overlooking the harbor and sea
- 1 small terrace


- Heating
- Air conditioning
- Kitchen facilities
- Refrigerator


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Terms and Conditions


Check in

From 15.00     till 20.00

puntoCheck outtill 10.30

puntoCancellation Policy

Cancellations prior to days: 30 of your arrival, you will be returned the total sum you paid, except for the bank transfer expenses

(given back to Your departure)
No bond is required on your arrival


puntoInfoSmall pets allowed

puntoCredit cards accepted at check inCredit card payments are not accepted at the check-in

If you have questions or want to check availability of MyBestGuest apartment, you can use the information request form or you can contact us